How to create an OpenFlyers platform?

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You can create a space to test our applicatio directly from our public website:

You just have to click on "Register".

File:Page d'accueil anglais.png

This is a free procedure and you can test our application as long as you want.

You are directed to the Openflyers account creation page.

File:Création de compte anglais.png

Fields with an asterisk are compulsory. Once you have completed the fields and validated your data, the following page is displayed.

File:E mail confirmation flouté anglais.png

You are invited to go to the e-mail adress you communicated to confirm the creation of your account.

The e-mail you received is named : OpenFlyers test area, and is as followed:

File:E mail reçu anglais.png

Click on the link to activate the creation of your space.

The following windows opens and confirms that the account creation is in progress.


You then receive a second e-mail, named again OpenFlyers test area, which confirms the creation of your space.

File:E mail reçu2 anglais.png

Après création de votre compte client vous aurez un espace test d'automatiquement créé.

Vous pouvez rester en test aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez.

Bienvenue chez OpenFlyers !

Pour passer en production, en profitant si vous le souhaitez du forfait paramétrage, merci de vous reporter aux indications ci-après :