OpenFlyers SQL stored functions and procedures

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This page is dedicated to list OpenFlyers SQL stored functions and procedures which are accessibles to OpenFlyers administrators via the SQL exports or imports.


  • This procedure exists with OF 3.0+
  • Stored function to calculate distance between two points (of a coordinate)
  • Input parameters:
    • latitude1
    • longitude1
    • latitude2
    • longitude2
  • Output parameters:
    • distance


  • This function exists with OF 3.6+
  • Stored function for SQL report to formal decimal by removing trailing zero after the decimal separator and by replacing the decimal separator with the one customized by the platform
  • Input parameters:
    • string (the decimal to format)
  • Output parameters:
    • replacedString (the formated decimal)


  • This function exists with OF 3.6+
  • Stored function for SQL report to check if account entries from a flow are balanced
  • Input parameters:
    • flowId (flow id)
  • Output parameters:
    • isBalanced (1 when entries are balanced, 0/null when not)


  • This procedure exists with OF 3.0+
  • Stored function to find the nearest ICAO from a coordinate
  • Input parameters:
    • latRef (latitude of the coordinate)
    • longRef (longitude of the coordinate)
    • distanceMax (max distance to filter result)
  • Output parameters:
    • ICAO id


  • This procedure exists with OF 3.0alpha only
  • Stored procedure to create account entries and update validity expire date of an user (or add validity to the user if it doesn't exist)
  • Input parameters:
    • validityTypeId (id of the validity type)
    • personId (id of the person)
    • validityTypeCost (validity type cost)


  • This function exists with OF 4+
  • Stored function to format sexacentimal to "hours:hundreths"
  • Input parameters:
    • sexacentimal
  • Output parameters:
    • convertedValue (hours:hundreths)


  • This function exists with OF 3.6+
  • Stored function to format sexacentimal to "hours:minutes"
  • Input parameters:
    • sexacentimal
  • Output parameters:
    • convertedValue (hours:minutes)


  • This function exists with OF 3.0+
  • Stored function to get a cleaned string (remove spaces and underscores)
  • Input parameters:
    • word (the string to be cleaned)
  • Output parameters:
    • stripWord (the string cleaned)


  • This function exists with OF 2.1+
  • Stored function to compute the current balance of an account at a given date
  • Input parameters:
    • accountId (account Id)
    • endDate (to compute only account entries from opening accounting date to this date)
  • Output parameters:
    • totalBalance (balance)


  • This function exists with OF 3.6+
  • Stored function to compute the current sum of credit lines of an account at a given date
  • Input parameters:
    • accountId (account Id)
    • endDate (to compute only account entries from opening accounting date to this date)
  • Output parameters:
    • totalCredit (total credit)


  • This function exists with OF 3.6+
  • Stored function to compute the current sum of debit lines of an account at a given date
  • Input parameters:
    • accountId (account Id)
    • endDate (to compute only account entries from opening accounting date to this date)
  • Output parameters:
    • totalDebit (total debit)


  • This function exists with OF 4.0+
  • Stored function to compute the current balance of an account at a given date. Only validated account entries are taken into account
  • Input parameters:
    • accountId (account Id)
    • endDate (to compute only account entries from opening accounting date to this date)
  • Output parameters:
    • totalBalance (balance)